
The Fight of Semarangese Against the Japanese

Elite Japanese soldiers refused to hand over their weapons. Meanwhile, Dr. Kariadi's death triggered young fighters to take revenge. The Five-Day Battle of Semarang eventually broke out.


Yang Chil Sung, A Korean Guerrilla in Indonesia

A young Korean man and four former Japanese soldiers joined the force of Indonesian freedom fighters. They were arrested for spying for PPP troops in Garut, and later were executed by Dutch soldiers.


The Breakthrough of The Man from Irian

Frans Kaisiepo went into politics because of his teacher from Java. Kaisiepo, the man from Irian, played a role in the integration of Papua into Indonesia. For his services, he was honored as a National Hero.


Forests Jeopardized

Forests have been exposed to destruction for a very long time. Efforts to regulate and maintain forests from the VOC era to the present, have failed to curb the rate of deforestation.


Pollution From Time to Time

Pollution has always been one of Batavia's persistent issues. Meanwhile, Java's other cities are also equally polluted. These never-ending issues of water and air pollution have been causing many diseases to emerge.


Ocean Exploration in Nusantara

The desire to develop science as an instrument of colonial power resulted in two scientific expeditions at the Dutch East Indies Sea.


Raffles' Passion to be a Naturalist

In between his administrative duties, Raffles paved his way to be a renown naturalist.


A Javanese in the French Foreign Legion

Despite his contribution to Australia, he was expelled from the country. He then went to New Caledonia and served France.


The Surinamese's Anti Colonialism Symbol

Javanese in Suriname believed this man was sent by God from Java to free them from oppression. The man, Anton De Kom, was galvanized by the Indonesian independence movement.


Irawan Soejono Against Nazi Germany in the Netherlands

Irawan Soejono was fighting alongside his comrades against Nazi Germany in the Netherlands. He was shot dead while smuggling a stencil printing machine. His name was later immortalized as a street name in Amsterdam.