
Marriage by the Glove: Marriage of Separated Lovers

Marrying a European woman was the dream of European immigrant men living in the Dutch East Indies. To tie the knot, women married gloves in place of the groom.


Interracial Marriages and Reversed Surnames in the Dutch East Indies

Interracial marriages in Batavia had produced generations of mixed-blood children, as well a unique tradition of naming children with reversed surnames.


A Harrowing Time for the Dutch in Indonesia

Thousands of people who were considered as pro-Dutch fell victim to the tumultuous Indonesian revolution. Most of them were innocent children, women, and the elderly.


Dutch's Ruthless Revenge

War always changes a person. In the name of revenge, many people turned into ruthless killing machines during the Indonesian war of independence.


A Day of Terror in Rengat

People of Rengat witnessed the deadliest Dutch military operation in Sumatra. However, the record of the terror-stricken day disappears from both nations’ history.


The Price of Independence: Two Other Massacres by the Dutch

More than a hundred thousand people died throughout the four years of Indonesian war of independence against the Netherlands. Most were innocent civilians.


A Bankrupt Merchant Turned VOC's Governor-General

After going bankrupt, Anthony van Diemen enlisted as a VOC soldier under an alias. He successfully became a governor-general of the VOC later on.


The Final Moments of Kartosoewirjo

Kartosoewirjo, leader of the rebellious Darul Islam, was executed and buried on Ubi Island, one of Jakarta’s Thousand Islands, and not on Onrust Island as many people believed.


The Javanese in the Land of White Elephants

From gardeners to traders, the Javanese reside in a foreign land with no return plan in mind.


I Was There When Hiroshima Was Bombed

A country boy from Indonesia went to study in Japan. A dreadful fate brought him to witness the horror of the atomic bomb exploded in Hiroshima. He subsequently became one of the leading figures behind the close relationship between Indonesia and Japan.